My little piece of you

My heart is what you left behind
When you walked out that door.
You and I both knew the fact
That i wouldn't see you anymore.
My heart was crushed and hit the ground
It broke into one-hundred bits.
I just sat there all night and cried
Next to a candle that was lit.
My heart was gone, I didn't want it
Because you left it scarred.
Ever since the day you left
My life has gotten so hard.
I thought i loved you and i thought you loved me
But i guess i was wrong.
There is no possible way that I'll ever heal
and ill never write another song.
They were all based on our friendship
And the love that we shared.
Now whenever your name comes up
I only think "has he ever really cared?"
You knew my heart was beating
And you knew it was all for you.
Now my memory is all that's left
Its my little piece of you.