Music is..

Music is…

Music is a melody that can never stop
It can be wild like a storm of thunder
It can be loud like waves crashing on the ocean shore
It can be the buzzing of the bees on a hot summer day
It can be the living things that make up the earth
It can be the clouds that make up the sky
It can be the sun rays that heat the earth
It can be the wind refreshing you
It can be the petals that form a flower
It can be the colors that make up a rainbow
It can be steady like a heartbeat
It can be soft like a cats meow
It can be the shoulder you need to lean on
It can be that self esteem that you need too carry on
It can be the puzzle pieces that add on to your life
It can be the words that make up a chat
It can be the colors that make up a painting
It can be the letters that make up the alphabet
It can be the words of wisdom coming out of your best friends’ mouth
It can be the happiness you feel when you’re in the right place
It can be the light from a lamp that fills the room with joy
It can be the generosity that makes the world a better place
It can be the joy when you do something right
It can be the determination of doing something you think is better
It can be the feeling of getting something you wanted for a long time
Music is something that can never be forgotten and is just what you need

i wrote this in 6th grade! XD