Stupid love songs.

Have you ever listened to a song?
Not just any song,
But a song you listened too with that special someone?
Then you break up and you never listen to it again.
Yet you really liked that song.

Don't let a stupid person ruin a song,
You like just because they broke your heart.

People make those stupid love songs,
So we would listen to them with that certain someone,
Then never listen to them again,
When it came to an end.

My advice is,
Don't have a special song,
Because if you fight or break up,
You will never listen to that song again,
Even if it was a favourite.

For those people who have a stupid love song,
Good luck.

I get upset when people come to me,
In tears because they were dumped,
Then they go and listen to that song,
That stupid love song,
That reminds them of that person.

People please,
Just forget the stupid love song.
They either love you,
Or the song.

Just stop with the stupid love songs.
You will get hurt either way.
Just forget the stupid love songs.