Never Gonna Be Like You

i don't think i'd ever be like you
i can never fly
when i feel like falling..
i can never smile
when my heart's just aching..
i can never sing
when i feel like crying..

i don't think i'd ever be like you
i'm not ever gonna live
when i feel like dying..
i'm not ever gonna laugh
when i'm hurting..
i'm not ever gonna begin
when everything's ending..

i'm never gonna be like you
cuz you're amazing..
you'd go on,.
acting like its nothing,.
smiling that beautiful smile,.
singing all those beautiful songs,.
until they see you cry..

i'm never gonna be like you
cuz you're different..
i will never continue,.
when i know what's coming..
i will never play along,.
to the game he's playing..
telling the world he's leaving..

but it's too late now,.
isn't it?
you are you..
and i am only me..
he already left..
nothing's ever gonna change that..

for now,.
i only leave with these words
that i never had the chance
to ever say,.
"you are beautiful,.
i miss you."
♠ ♠ ♠
i wrote this last night while i was watching Hibiya on the New o Sekai,.Bou's last live with Antic Cafe,.it was really sad..