Let me Know it's True

Tell me anything you need me to know
I can handle every single blow
Just let me hear what you keep hidden
I can take what you have taken
Just let me know when you're too alone
And I'll be with you again

You can tell me anything, I promise
I'll tell you things, too
Don't hide anything important in this;
I want us to be true
I don't want a single thing to be missed
When exploring me and you

I won't think of you any differentlly, love
If you just tell me now
You're all that I want to think or dream of
You just need to show me how
You're more handsome than a pure-white dove
So stand and take a bow

I'll love you when you tell me things
That you're scared to let me know
And when you tell me, I'll tell you my thinking;
How I'm scared to let you go,
And how I'm afraid of these feelings
I'll risk this fear for you, though

I love you now and I'll love you then
Even if we don't work in the end
So tell me what I need to know
Just open up and let go
Because I love you
And I want it to be true.