baby please stay

I remember when the stars at night
shone brighter than the sun
and the flowers were more beautiful
than any other thing
but the sun and the stars hide away
when hes not around
and the flowers look so dull
when he's gone away

But baby when i with you
my world comes back to life
the sun comes out
and everythings ok
when you wrap your arms around me
the tears fade away
so baby please stay

i remember when the birds song
was the sweetest thing i heared
and the sky was cloudless and grey
but the birds sound so painfull
and the sky turns dark grey
when he's away

But baby when i with you
my world comes back to life
the sun comes out
and everythings ok
when you wrap your arms around me
the tears fade away
so baby please stay

i remember when my whole world
was darker than mid-nigght
then you came into my life
the colour flooded back
but when your away
the world turns back grey

Baby when im with you
the tears fade away
so baby please stay