For Tomorrow May Never Come

Never say never,
For there's always a possibility,
Anything can happen,
Just wait and you'll see.

Never say forever
Everything has an end.
Watch and see,
How forever is just pretend.

Never say love goes on
Because when someone dies,
There love goes with them,
Their heart demise.

Never hold grudges
For you don't know what tomorrow awaits,
Always forgive the unforgiven,
Remember every life, is controlled by fates.

Never have regrets
Everything that happens should
Everything has a reason
Everything happens the way it always would.

Forget about the past
For life goes on to another day,
Don't worry about a problem
And believe me when I say;

Your life could end tomorrow so
Do what you always wished to do.
When tomorrow becomes today,
You don't want to worry. What if?
So let go of everything you have to say.
Live life to it's fullest,
Laugh to much, take to many pictures and dance in the pouring rain.
Sing like nobody's listening, love like there's no tomorrow and don't worry about mistakes because you never know what they help you gain.
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I really like this poem & I hope you do too. Tell me what you think?!