Even If It Meant Commiting A Sin.

She screams why,
As she cries in her pillow at night
Her face soaked in painful tears
She wishes he was still here.

That very night was a heart broken one,
If only she had been their to save him.
He could still be here now,
Why did he do this?
After all the love she gave him.

Those jackets he wore, to hide the scars
The bruises and cuts that go
In way to far.
He felt so much pain,
Night after night
This wouldn’t have happened..
If it weren’t for their fight.

He wrote a note,
To say goodbye.
He said four painful words,
‘I’m done with life’
Then got the gun
And ended it all.
He thought it was the easy way out.
But for her she is heart broken.

Theirs three words that are now and forever will be
Left unspoken.
‘I love you’
She says. As her skin starts to open.
Her wrist is now drenched in blood.
Nothing can save her now.
She wanted to be with him.
But their her mom stood.
In her daughters doorway.
Watching her soul,
Slowly fade away.

Now she’s in heaven,
happy and pain free With him.
They couldn’t live without each other.
Even if it meant ending their life with a sin