Your Fault

This is a poem. YES IT SWEARS sorry to whomever it offends, but i have to get this off my chest. hope whoever reads enjoys.





All you ever do is tell me what to do
I hate it here!
Won't ever stop hating it
Now get the fuck out of my face
Cause whatever I love
You try to erase
I'm just another body in this house
Another burden
Someone to fill up a space
All I take is food and shelter
I can do that myself, mother fuckers!
No one respects me
No one cares
When I say something
It's in one ear...
And out the other
So what if I'm wasting my time?
She has no deadline yet!
A whole 24 fucking hours!
All you do is hover
Telling me what the fuck to do
I'm caged and pissy because I'm trapped
Like a mouse in a snap
So fuck you, mighty and tall
I can crush you with my words
Yet I'm forced to hold my tongue
Cause you "provide" for me
Who gives a fuck what I'm doing?
Only you do
Cause your prize is showing through the curtains
You're not proud of me
I need straight A's for that.
Fuck me, I have a B.
I hate you all.
All you do is snap and whine
And kick and stab from behind
Fuck you.
Scratch my back, I'll bite your hand off
I'm sick of this.
Your rules
Your voice
And no slack
I want freedom
Freedom or death.
You choose, suckers,
Cause I just wanna be gone.
Cause once I'm happy, you force me back down.
I'm sad now.
Everything around me is knocked over and broken,
askew and a mess
Fuck my way, yours is the best
So as you stand with your whips
And your guns close to my chest
I'll pull the trigger and fire it.
But it'll ricochet and hit you.
Leave me alone.
You don't know what I can do.
After being fucked over
Held down
I can't stand it anymore.
All you do is shout
I never have a moment where I can relaz.
I can't say "enough"
Cause no one respects me
No one cares.
I'm just a pile of flesh born from your flesh
Or your law
Or your blood
So fuck me!
Don't touch me!
I don't want you!
Yet you come closer
As close as fucking can be
And breathe down my throat
Backing me into my corner so tightly
All I have is your CO2 to breathe
I have no other means of Oxygen
So I'm forced to swallow yours down
And it's poisoning.
I'm feeling so weak in the knee.
It's not funny.
I hate you.
I hate you all.
The battles you choose.
You back down from with a simple
"Do it, or else."
I want your hatred.
I want your rejection.
I'd rather live on cold concrete!
What you say is love
Is pain
No one respects me for who I am.
You want to see me suffer
No to live, but to die
You think my rebellion needs punishment
Would you rather me stay quiet?
Never explain why I might have voices in my brain?
They tell me to die, that I'm weak.
You'll never hear them
Cause they're your own.
You're mute to them cause they're right
For they came out of your own damn mouth.
"You're not worth it"
You say.
All of you.
No one respects me for me.
Just cause I have something to say.
All you hear is breath
Nothing more.
You never hear me speak
Cause you don't care.
You don't care cause I'm nothing
Nothing to you.
Well fuck you.
I will be nothing.
Just you wait.
I will be nothing with just a swipe of a blade.
And on nights like this
I cry myself to sleep
Cause you all hate me for my nothingness.
I can't wait for my time to be up
But if you push me
I'm high-tailing it out of here
Like it's all corrupt.
And wrong.
And dirty.
Which it is.
So fuck you and make a wish that I'll have a better life
Cause once I have this trigger
Or blade in hand...

There's no turning back...

For my message is written on the wall.

In big black letters against white

About to be splattered with blood

To haunt you forever.

I will regret nothing, cause it's your fault.

Haha... yes it is.

Don't argue.

"It's all your fault"