
Why? Is it that you lie
everyday people die

You think your life is bad
You must be mad

I am Juliet and you are Romeo
Tu no sabes la suelte que tu tienes mijo ( You don't know how lucky you are son)

Always complaining how bad your life is
You never looked into Juliet's eyes to see if she is telling the truth about this

Her life could be worse than yours
If you ever piss me off again, I swear you will be sore

You say that me Juliet and Emily are ruining your life
No we are not you are, and its like you are stabbing it with a knife

How dare you keep blaming it on us
You are going to regret this loss

Saying there are rumors about what happened between all of us
There is no rumor, just the truth don't make such a fuss

Romeo you are a fucking mess
You are causing all this stress

You are such a dumb fuck
i know your stuck

All i want is to talk to you
If you don't want to talk to me then screw you

Just like the original Romeo and Juliet, we die
I hope all of this is a lie

Are we ever going to be friends again?
I guess our friendship went down the drain

Romeo if you ever say sorry and then want to come back to me
I'm going to say fuck you because I disagree