Honey I'll be Your Heroin

Push. Pull. Repeat.

All I do is repeat until my body has that high it craves for
I can hear her speak to me, waiting for me to let her in
I finally let her in my veins, she's happy.

She whispers to me softy for more, more
I listen I push pull repeat until she's happy
When she's happy I'm happy

I can feel her going through my veins
I can feel her take over
I'm no longer me she is now me

Hours have gone by she's left
But I can hear her calling my name
She's wants to come back
So I push. Pull.Repeat
Until she's back

She's back once again
My body has that high it's been wanting from her
I can feel her once again slowly taking over

I hardly even know her
I trust her with my life
She's begs for me to let her in my arms
I give in and let her in

She's leaves bruises that wont ever go away
She's happy once again
I can hear her softy say,

Honey I'll be Your Heroin

Note: I wrote this last night at 2:30am. I was going to add more but I have nothing, so it stays like this. I may add more later. And "She" is the herion.