my humanoid

Alone on my bed I cry over our lost love. Our relationship had become automatic. It didnt feel as real as it had before. I feel Humanoid, not understanding my emotions anymore. Deciding th let it go, I run off into the night with my friends like dogs unleashed. I didn't want to cry over the pain of love anymore. It was different now. Now I walked on the darkside of the sun. I could finally see the world beyond my wall. Hey you, don't stay in fake relationships. Let us make some noise about the things that really matter in life. Love and death mean everything. Forever now we are the people who love and admire Tokio Hotel. They are the ones who taught us the true meaning of human connect to human. So all who really understand this and all its pain and love, zoom into me.
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I did this for a contest. I used each of the song titles from their new cd. What you think?