Forbidden Midnight

Night falls with a silent shudder
A cry in the night, she awakes with fright
Grabs the gun, from her dresser
Faces the deadly, sneaky intruder

Heart beats fast, deep in her chest
His eyes are fire, she swears she sees death
The devil and the angels
Awoke her from her slumber

She shoots, and scores, right near his chest
But still he breathes, an immortal creature of the dead
Dressed every inch, in the darkest of black
She’s sure she’ll have a heart attack

He reaches out, a hand so pale
Longs to stroke, her dark blonde hair
A ghost of the night, and of the burdened
Facing the girl, he used to know

He’s told it is forbidden
To love a mortal, such as her
But still he longs, for her touch
Longs to see, her old smile

When she sees his face, she sees an old friend
One she lost, so long ago
A car crash stole, his only life
But never quenched, the memory

So alive, so full of life
He wonders if, she’ll ever remember
The nights they spent, hand in hand
Will she ever remember, the man she used to love?

He pulls of the hood that covers his eyes
Wants to run, when she starts to cry
Hasn’t seen such life, in so many years
Her tears carve holes, in his heart

Shock now covers her gorgeous face
Recognition, a light in her eyes
Memory, of a life she once lived
A man she could never, seem to forget

Could it be?
She flips on the light, and wipes the tears
Remembers the life, she used to live
And the love she never could forget

They hold each other through the night
Ride out a storm, till they see sun
Speak of old times, seems like yesterday
They loved so long, they’ll love eternally

She speaks of her daughters, the man she once married
But never could love, the way she loved the man who held her
His skin is cold, but his love is warm
This comfort she dreads, to soon leave

The end comes too soon, but both are prepared
“It’s darker in Heaven,” he speaks aloud
“Darker than when I’m with you,”
And with a flash, he’s back to black

They say goodbye, they whisper good morning
Will see you again, in every dream
He turns to dust, and then he is gone
A forbidden love, for living and for dead
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this at random when I was thinking of 'forbidden love.' I thought instead of vampires, or married lovers, etc. This would give forbidden love a bit of a twist. Hopefully I did a good job with it!