
When i'm in pain you don't see the truth of my pain or suffering! I hide it all away till i'm alone and can let it all out!

When I let it all out. . . I cry, scream, ask why in hell do I feel like this!

But when I ask. . . I never get an awnser, and I don't know why I don't. Can't I just have this one thing awnsered for me???

If you know me well enough to realise that i'm not always happy. . . And if you know me well enough to see the pain in my eyes. . . Then you know the truth of me. . . .

The truth that lies within these hazel eyes. . . Soon these hazel eyes shall be black. . . Black as ash. . . . Black as coal. . . Black as midnight. . .

Pain lies in the midnight. . .

That I walk. . . Alone. . .

In pain. . .