
I just got the call on Monday
Didn't want to believe it was true
That now it was starting
That the doctor diagnosed you

I got a call on Tuesday
That was when I knew
I couldn't just ignore it
I knew it had to be true

They told us it was cancer
said you had 6 months to live
If the kimo didn't work
But I had so many words to give

I have so much to say
But I know I don't have much time
I know it may be simple
But I'll say it in a rhyme

I'm sorry for the wrongs I've done you
I'll miss you every day
And thank you for the things you did
You tried in every way

I don't know if you know
But I promise that it's true
I'm grateful for the time we had
And everything you do

I love you so much
I don't know what I'll do
But I'll miss you oh so much
I'm sure you'll miss me too

At first, at first I was afraid
You're person number three
I don't know what to do
Can you just please tell me why it's you

I know I can't have forever
And God has a different plan
I just wish he'd help me
Cause I just cant seem to understand

Theres still so much I could say
I just don't have the words
Id give it all up now
I'll treasure what Ive heard
♠ ♠ ♠
Any and all constructive(sp) critisum(sp) is welcomed, but this poem is very emotion for me so please don't make the negative comments to harsh. I know it's probably aweful, but I figured what the heck