
you fall asleep and have a dream.your walking somewhere.not anywhere really,just walking.soon you see a spec in the distance.As you come closer you see yourself.But its not you exactly.For one thing, your carrying a bag and your covered in old dirty clothes.ypu look determined,like you knoew what you run ahead to try to make youyrself stop but you just walk right by try again and again and fail each time.Finally you stop trying and stand still.You see yourself stop and slowly turned and faced silently look up into your eyes.And your afraid.In your eyes you see wisdom.Maturity.Understanding.But you also see fear.Fear of about what you going to do.where your going to go.And if you'll survive this new world.This world where things are being created or made better.But everything must fall apart eventually and the people are to blind to see the world slowly crumbling.In your eyes you see the future.You see how everything seems so perfect and then fate steps in and makes you take a ride on reality.You see war and killing,madness,and people getting sick.All there is, is violance.Then in your eyes you see yoursel.You see yourself leaving this awful place.running understand now what has happened and unite with yourself and together you wak down that path.That neverending path that will eventually have to end somewhere.yourself chose to run.Turn her back on society.Many think its the cowards way out,But sometimes its the only way out.Sometimes to survive you have to not care what others think.But the questions still haunt you.Could you have stayed and been a leader?Maby you could have tryed harder to make peae?A lot say you may never know....ect.But you know for a fact that your never going to know because if you ever returned,all you would find is dust and cobwebs because everything would be gone.The world finally crumbled.You chose to run.And ultimatly you chose survival.