The Choice

In my troubled search for an eloquent creature
That I had come to call horse
I searched for a winner
A magnificent champion
I wanted the most beautiful
I wanted a horse that towered above all others
I wanted the most expensive
The most educated
The best

I came across glorious horses that had dominated above others
Horses that had won countless ribbons
Horses that had been trained by the best in the business
Horses that had been shown since they were foaled

I rode horses that had a reputation
Horses that had traveled to shows all across the country
I met horses that knew what they were doing
Horses that had been to world shows
Horses that had been to the top
Horses that you stood in awe of
Horses who commanded the attention of spectators

I could have gotten the prettiest
The most talented
The best
One who had been to many shows
One who had taken home ribbons
One with the most training
One that could take me to the top
One who could get me noticed

In my search for an eloquent creature
I found one that had no show experience
That one had hardly been hauled
That one was short
That one had never won a ribbon
That one had the least training
That one didn’t have a record
A reputation
A penny to her name
That one was inexperienced
That one didn’t know what she was doing

I Chose That One
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is absolutly true. It describes my new horse: Cookie. Indeed she is everything that I described. But in my search, I realized that I wasn't really looking for the best, the most experienced, the prettiest, or the most expensive, I was just looking for a friend.