The Vampire (Sestina)

I quickly rose
From my bed. The handsome Vampire
Stood in a pool of moon
Light. I trembled.
I wasn’t scared of him sucking my blood,
I was scared that he wouldn’t leave me alive.

His eyes alive
With anticipation. A red rose
In his hands. A blood
Red cape on the Vampire’s
Back. He moved closer to my trembling
Body. My face as pale as the moon.

The light of the moon
Vanished behind a cloud. The only one alive,
My tremble
Didn’t go away. The Rose
Wilted as the Vampire
Came forward for my blood.

My blood
Stained my Moon
White sheets as the Vampire
Drank. His frozen skin came alive
As it flushed rosy
Pink. It was his turn to tremble.

I was too weak to tremble.
I was anemic from the loss of blood.
The red rose
Fell as the Moon
Reappeared. It’s moonbeams alive,
Searching for the Vampire.

When the Vampire
Released me, his tremble
Faded. He looked more alive
Than I did. He had taken nearly all of my blood.
I felt my life slipping away as the moon
Sank in the sky. I was nearly dead before the sun rose.

Now more alive than me, the handsome Vampire rose
Without a tremble. Blood stained his lips, mine were paler than the moon.