
Isn't the rain supposed to wash your tears away?
Then why can I still taste it's sourness
Isn't the sun supposed to make you warm?
Then why is the cold still lingering in my body
Isn't moving on meaning to forget that one person
Then why am i going crazy just thinking about him

Was it all just a huge mistake?
Cutting the string like that?
Breaking your heart into two peices?
Not wanting to keep secrets?
Thinking of you before him?

The anwsers are still vague in my mind
Nothing seems to be clear anymore
Everything just fixed itself together
So I wouldn't understand anything
Nothing at all

Who could even deny?
All of the butterflies
They swarm inside of me
But they aren't there for joy
They're there to remind me of the pain

Different types of pain
And emotional
but you shouldn't fear it anymore
It's here to stay
So just let go
And embrace the future