Unfriendly Friendships

The saddness in my heart the tears can't wash away.

Although you were my best friend you didn't seem to care,
WHen you finally said enough,
I was filled with despair.

The saddness that I felt
Is still burned so deep.
I miss you oh so much,
I feel my heart might melt.

They say true friendship knows no distance.
I should know this well.
First time you left my heart did swell
Now this time your gone for real,
I can truely tell.

Goodbye my friend is all I'll say,
I did love you so.
These few thins i need you to know:
I don't regret our friendship,
ALthough it had more hurt and pain ,
than happy days.

So now its my time to leave,
I'll turn my bakc and won't look back.
Your turn to know the hurt,
A last teary eyed glance, goodbye for good.

The last time I fall, for this unpredictable friend.
No more will i be there until the end.