Listen, Just Once, And I'll Shut Up For Good

Listen, Just Once, and I’ll shut up for good.

A promise
You’ll never keep
How did you ever mean anything to me?
Another fight
You’ve made her cry
Just pack up
And get out of my life

Has everything you've told me
Always been a lie?
Or do you just mix them in with the truth
Or what it may seem from your eyes?

I told you everything
Are you ever even listening?
Cause you never seem like you really care
Listen. Please?
Instead you just sit there
With that far away look in your eyes.
Listen. Please?

Are my attempts useless?
Do my cares even matter?
Why do you always look at me
Like I’m such a mad hatter?

Are my attempts at wisdom
As futile as they seem?
Do we really all fret
On nonessential things?
Just listen. Please?
Learn what you've been doing to me.

Has everything you've told me
Always been a lie?
Or do you just mix them in with the truth
Or what it may seem from your eyes?

Just listen. Please?
Listen. Just once
To me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another song about my dad. What can I say?

Comments make me smile =)