I Guess I'll Just Fade Away

Those three words you tell me
You meant them right?
Oh I believe you
And no sarcasm present

The truth lays still
Lays before me
Just staring up at me
I swallow all the doubt that can control me

The feeling is mutual
I won't deny the love
I won't hide it from you
It is there

But your love spreads
Spreads to another girl
More then one
But less then 3

Do you consider me blind?
Do you realize I can think?
And know that when you're with her
Magic happens

Magic isn't perfect
And do I wish that happened with us?
Of course
But it never will

Do I want to let you go?
No i don't
Do I have the strength to?
No I don't

I guess I'll just fade away
To let you love
To let you go
To let you happy
♠ ♠ ♠
I love him and always will <33