Remember me.

I know for sure
The day I die
No matter what
Someone will cry

I don’t want you to
Don’t cry for me please
All I want you to do
Is remember me

Because someday soon
I will be gone
And only in your memory
Can I live on

Keep me in your thoughts
Don’t be so sad
Don’t remember my death
But remember the life I had

The obstacles I’ve overcome
The person I’ve come to be
And even more important
Your love for me.

I hope it’s enough
To keep your memory strong
Because once you forget me
I’ll surely be gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I wrote this poem one night, on 9/11/2009, because it was then clear to me that it was slowly becoming forgotten, I will not forget that tragic day. And the reality, is even all those people who died that day.. They will all be forgotten, for generations to come. I will be forgotten, you will be forgotten. At some point, WE will ALL be forgotten.