Feathered Angel

My Angel with feathered wings
Your feathers are no longer pure
They are shedding anew
Once light and soft
Now hard and sharp to the touch
Is your new coat weighing you down my feathered angel
Maybe you should cut away these new wings
And walk this world of mortals
Not weighted down
Though you could not fly the sky
You wouldn't have to struggle in then
Or do you like your new wings?
They keep us at a distance
It is hard to run my hands through knives
Small cuts at my finger tips
Blood tainting your new wings
Not that my blood hasn't staind your flesh and feathers before
But now it slides off these new wings like running water
Do you like this new arrangement?
Me at a distance
Only at arms length
Is that far enough for you?
So what will you do my feathered Angel?
What will you decide
♠ ♠ ♠
i have nothing to say