What the heck, Antoinette?!

She’s a flash fire
Lights up unpredictably
Spreads like wildfire
Can’t be put out
Without major help
And even that can’t stop it...
Going home to that flash fire...
Forget it...
you may as well throw me to the lions.
There’s no telling when it can happen
It’s unpredictable, uncontrollable
Rage, fury, anger...
A thunder and lightning storm
and you gotta be careful
when it gets out of hand.
The lion can strike at any moment’s notice
and you could get seriously hurt...
A small lion, she may be,
but never underestimate the fear she can put in you...
She’s Marie Antoinette,
she’s gotta be shoved off her pedestal
and made to “eat cake” with her peasants...
Princess has gotta realize
This isn’t how life really is
She can’t always get her way
She’s gotta learn to respect
And not have things just given to her...
♠ ♠ ♠
((I never meant any trouble by this, it was just how I felt when I wrote it.))