Watching The Sunset

Out in the field
Watching the sunset
My hand is empty
Because yours would always fit

So perfectly interwined
I was yours
You were mine
But time passed us by

One month passed
I worried
Two months passed
I felt dead inside

I learned that I hated missing you
More than anyone who I've ever met
I will never forget the sweet things you'd say
When I was upset, you'd make it all go away

Things have changed these past months
Not a word spoken to each other
I wonder who you're with
I bet I was easy to forget

Not a doubt in my mind
You're with her tonight
As I sit in the fields
Watching the sunset
Empty handed

And I still ask myself to this day
Did he care at all
Or was I just another girl
Waiting for his call

I'm still out in the field
Watching the sunset
Wishing I could forget
Everything you've said
To me
When you cared
And when you "cared"

There's one thing that I've learned
While watching the sunset
You're the one person
I don't want to forget

Even though
I'm watching the sunset
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, this is how I feel. I don't know anymore.