Our Unncessary Goodbye

I hear your name and crave your face,
But the truth is settling and my heart is breaking:
_____________________________We won’t last this war inside of us,
_____________________________Let alone the war between us.

I feel your arms grasp me, holding me together,
But I taste the words that are fighting to escape me:
_____________________________“This isn’t happening, this isn’t real,
_____________________________Not to me, not anymore.”

The thought of seeing you is
Salt on an open wound:
_____________________________The cut is one I created myself
_____________________________When I whispered, “I trust you.”

I know where we’ve been and what we’ve done,
But did you really think we’d get passed this?
_____________________________I think I did, I always knew,
_____________________________Surely you thought so, too.

Goodbye is the hardest word to say,
So can’t we just let it go unsaid?
___________________________Maybe we’ll just let it fade away,
___________________________Like the sweet smoke from your cigarette.