To lock or Not To Lock that is the question.

They say we all have our
That make up who we are.
They say that it is best to keep them inside
So as not to harm the ones we care for.
But again,like all things,there is a positive and negative effect.
For some the demons of their psyche can be repressed
Allowing little to no harm to be inflicted on the victim
However for some...
These demons...
These secrets...
If held inside their core,
Can cause just as much harm to be delivered to the victim
As it would be if they let the demons out of their frozen,terror filled cages.
To allow the demons to roam freely would destroy the life of the victim thus leading to,
Not only rejection from the victim's loved ones,
But also to a life riddled with drugs and false happiness.
However this is a life that the victim can be reined in from,
Unlike the horror filled existence in which the victim would suffer if they where to keep the secrets bottled inside.
This existence would be a short but ultimately battered and bleeding one.
The victim would be torn apart from the inside,
With no one realizing the horrific events until it is much too late.
The victim would either be dead inside,
A much worse fate,
No matter how alike they are,
Than being comatose,
Or the victim could collapse under the neurological torture,
From which they are suffering,
And commit suicide.
So when they tell you to keep the demons locked inside
Be sure to ask them which they would prefer,
A being in the grasp of drugs and false happiness from which they can be rescued
Or another corpse to throw amongst the countless who have died,
Due to keeping it bottled inside.