Some Days

Some days I feel as if I want to rip my heart right out from my chest.

The spilled red blood would flow from me like the fragments of forgotten dreams.

The pain of it would dull the rest of the pains I have felt, for a while, at least until I am forced to remember once again.

The sullen sighs of childhood muffle the sounds of screams from victims past.

Violence spreads, pouring like the blood from my chest. And when you don’t think that you can do it anymore, come to me.

Words, spoken, whispered, sung, comfort like no medication can. The company of another trumps all.

And so I let my heart be torn from me, in a final attempt at love and loss and misery. So I can live life freely once more without the binding chains of mankind and its ways.
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um...i wrote this at about one in the morning, and it kinda just went. So i hope you all like it.