
The colors that are around me are getting dull.
The greens, yellows, and pinks turn pale.
The oranges, grays, and browns turn pale and chalky.
The reds, blues, and purples mix together.
The blacks just stay the same or get a little lighter.

This all seems impossible.
I love the blues, purples, and reds so why are they mixing?
The greens, yellows, and pinks I could really care less about.
The oranges, grays, and browns are ok.
And black I just love.

Than I realize I’m seeing people’s moods and feelings.
Right now my friend Danielle is re, for anger.
A little kid named Reece is yellow, for happens or joy.
A guy named Nate is purple, for having a perverted mind.
Me I have a mix of purple, blue, red and black.
Blue for being calm and black for depression.

The colors are all over the place.
Some duller than others, some brighter.
The duller the color the less the emotion or feeling.
The brighter the color the more some one felt.

Suddenly the colors go away and all I see is the natural colors of nature.
Peoples skin tone are normal, their colors too.
No more confusion for my part.
Thank God.