I Miss You and Love You Alwalys.

' To My Love'

I promised you the world, but you never got a chance to see.

I promised you my forever, because i thought that we'd always be together.

I promised you we'd live long happy lives. the doctors said otherwise.

I promised you my undevided love, the doctors said love was never enough.

I prayed you would get better, open your eyes and read this letter.

I held your hand everynight, although the doctors looked at me in spite..

I prayed on my knees, I cried with you in my arms, wondering how anybody so beautiful could be so white.

When the doctors walked in one day, i hoped they would give me good news but to my dismay,

They told me there was no hope, All my promises, all my hope, all my faith gone.
My whole world, my whole entire being and my true love...was dead.

No body understood, No one helpd, No one truly knew what i felt like. I was in so much pain i could not comprihend,

But i will never forget you, and I will always love you.Forever more.

That is the one promise i couldever keep...

'Yours Forever more'♥