My Demise

I felt worthless
Like an outsider who can't fit in with the outcast
My soul moves so slow next to the forever ongoing minds speeding past me
"Why?" I ask myself
My love is a demise. A demise that comes back to tear and murder every strip of esteem I could possibly be carrying
Just enough my hope is hanging on a thin thread
Only outisde is a fake smiling shell in the form of my body
Good and positive don't affect me.
The negative bring out unrealized truth that was not seen before
I'd love to feel pretty at some point in my life
I guess I just don't deserve it
My love for another isn't enough
My love for another is hatred upon myself
Nobody will ever want me
Nobody will ever need me
Nobody will ever care for me...
and that's my demise.
♠ ♠ ♠
The word demise was inspired by english teacher Ms. Ganatra. She introduced the vocab to our class early this year. Demise has been a favorite for me.