A new start

You'll never get over it,
You'll never feel the same,
You feel a sort of pain at the sound of his name.
It happened,
You can't change it.
You can't move on.
But you can live.
You can walk,
You can breath the clean air,
Just keep in mind that we're here.
You can't change the past,
And its best not to live in it.
But you can look forward to the future,
And you can say:
"I loved him,
He loved me,
Hes gone now,
But but at least I still see."
It's not the end of the world.
Its just the start of a new one.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love poetry, but its is one of those poems that just might make you cry.. I had to write about it*shrug* simple as that.