
Our eyes met, yours glistening with the tears you were trying so desperately to hold back. The unasked question hung in the air like a cloud of dust, creating a wall between us. You lowered your eyes, unable to keep the contact for any longer. Those reluctant tears were flowing freely now, trailing down your face, gleaming in the light as they fell, teasing us with their jovial brightness.

I envied the tears. Those inanimate objects knew nothing of pain, of fear, hurt or betrayal. They knew nothing of anything, and existed in blissful ignorance. I was watching you, cold and unfeeling. Empathy had left me a long time ago.

It hurts too much to feel your pain now. It hurts too much to feel...anything from you. You who burnt down my existence like a paper plane. You who watched me, laughing as I had to look on, unable to change anything, while my life crumbled around me. You, the one I trusted.

Now, yet again, you destroy all that I worked so hard to achieve. I had rebuilt my life, and once again, you tore it down. Do you revel in my pain? Does it please you to know that I have nothing left?

You torture me with your empty words of hope, your gilded apologies, your hollow excuses. And I'm stupid enough to fall for every one of them.

But no more. I won't be your puppet any longer. Instead, I'll douse your existence with oil.
However, I won't light it. I'll watch with the same sick sense of glee, while you destroy your own life.
Your whole life is a thin lie. You will burn quickly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Erm...I don't know where this came from...it kinda just happened...
