The Evil Side of a girl

There's a raging beast inside me,
That seem to love to jump the gun.
That takes all of my innocence
And doesn't let me run.

It feeds off my sorrow,
It loves to feel my pain.
In wants to see me suffer,
Sending ecstacy to its brain.

Always craving more and more,
It's thirst is never quenched.
Yet I continue feeding it,
Having little common sense.

This other worldly being,
Living deep within my gut,
Forces everyone away from me,
Bringing out my inner slut.

Yet men are its favorite thing,
A delectable little treat.
Everytime one comes near,
It causes unspeakable feats.

A sudden spell comes over me,
A certain role I now play.
I begin to flirt and seduce them,
Like weary sailors to the bay.

Where has this demon came?
A "blessing" from my mother,
Or maybe from these voluptuous curves,
Perhaps from past lovers?

I cannot stop this howling beast.
It's become second nature for me,
It's my curse to carry on,
My own personal dispairity.