I Run From You

When I thought you were real
It turned out to be a fairy tale
Just child's play
Well, now I've seen the light of day
I run from you, oh, I run from you

Why do you whisper in my ear
The things you know I want to hear?
Well, I can't take chances with the Devil's son
'Cause I don't want to become undone
I run from you, oh, I run from you

When you're away,my heart begs for you
Your kiss still lingers like dew
Tormenting my emotions,
But I know that you have no devotion
So I do the only thing I can,
I run from you, oh, I run from you
I run from you
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a little bit of a song that I wrote for my book - sorry to all of you who have been reading what I've posted and I haven't been adding to it... I'm sorry... I'm working on it still, I'm just not posting...