Sweet December

“Remember the words I say
Watch them start to wash away
The memories”
I don’t want to remember
Stay in my sweet December
Into the silence
In with the cold

Joyous bells which often sing
Blind to all the suffering
Sing your song over and over
Clear these hearts more over, over

I used to sing in the past
Her voice is coming up fast
I wish I could block out these bells
But their ringing will often tell

“Remember the words I say
Watch them start to wash away
The memories”
I don’t want to remember
Stay in my sweet December
Into the silence
In with the cold

I hear all that goes around
My heart is still far down
I’ll forget it all
With the raven’s call
Through these tainted skies of misbelieving
I can’t believe that we are all just dreaming

Do you know these on my skin
The beginning of my sin
I do not want to hear you cry
I know that your eyes will be dry

Do not think that this will end
There is still much to defend
They came here as my pen bled red
I won’t forget when they had said

“Remember the words I say
Watch them start to wash away
The memories”
I don’t want to remember
Stay in my sweet December
Into the silence
In with the cold

“Remember the words I say
Watch them start to wash away
The memories”
I don’t want to remember
Stay in my sweet December
Into the silence
In with the cold
♠ ♠ ♠
This one has another deep meaning. Basically, the first part of the chorus is the bells singing or talking or whatever you think they're doing. December is usually a time of great joy and many things are forgotten around that time, people are forgiven, love is spread, blah blah blah. Confused?
Comment with questions and I will answer. Thank you. :)