
I’ve tried so hard to move on.
I keep telling myself I don’t need you
I mean you obviously don’t care about me, so why should I keep worrying over you?
Why should I keep caring about you?
You don’t talk to me anymore
You don’t even come to see me
Do you even realize how much I suffer because of you?
I guess you don’t.
I guess you don’t love me.
You don’t care about me.
You didn’t even know I existed!
Even realizing this doesn’t help me forget about you!
Why can’t I forget about you!
I want to forget you, right?
So why can’t I?
Why does it hurt so much when I try to?
This….Us….was nothing!
So why can’t I forget about it easily?
I don’t want these false memories of us
I don’t want to remember our ‘fake’relationship&love!
Our memories, our moments, our love…I want it all gone!
I want all of those ‘fake’ times to just go away!
I want to Erase it all.
Even you.
♠ ♠ ♠
love can suck sometimes.