
Driving down the highway, sunny afternoon.
Gone for 6 hours now, should be there soon.
The signs say eighty, we go one ten.
Pass by a cop car every now and then.

Wake up to darkness, eyes become sore
Everything is black; I can't see anymore.
Close those eyes and drift off to sleep
Don't think about the bad things, try not to weep.

Wake up to sun; what a nice surprise.
Still in this car, no problems arise.
My body not in motion, but I'm going the distance
Trying to find out the meaning of existence.
♠ ♠ ♠
I find me suffering with this problem quite a lot. I wake up in the morning and think about why I'm waking up to begin with. My life isn't very exciting, so thinking about it is the only thing I do. Trying to find the problem, going faster than you should. There's no need to hurry. Some people even break the law in order to do it (using drugs, for example). Post a comment and tell me what you think it's about.