Night Night

My dad always says
the same old thing
every night he smiles
he tells me night night
i tell him night
i never see the point
one day he didn't come home
I got worried and stayed up late
as he didn't come home i freaked
i got a call
but didn't answer it
i fell to the floor
Relief filled me
as he came in the house
he walked me to my room then said night night
i fell fast asleep
i woke up
i went to school
i got called into the office
My dad had been killed
the night before
so he had never came home
i must have been dreaming
he had come home to me
the day of his funeral
i wore all black
i gave a big speech
i walked to him
He was laying in his casket
i place my old teddy bear he gave me
i kissed his forehead like he did to me
i began to cry and whispered
i finally understood why he said it
it was he way of saying i love you
every night as i drifted off to sleep
so as i have to let him go
i will always remember what he said every night
before i drifted off to sleep