
The youngest
The baby
The last one born
The favorite
The spoiled brat

The one who gets to do whatever she wants,
whenever she wants
The one who yells at mom,
and gets away with it
The one who has to just clean a corner,
while I clean the rest of the room
The one who has her work done for her,
but I always have to do mine
The one who gets to go to her hobbies even if her work's not done,
even though I have to stay home
The one who gets praised for the tiniest accomplishment,
and I have to do something monumental to get any attention
The one who basks in the limelight,
while I sit in a corner
The one who yells at me to do something,
while she sits on the couch
The one who does no wrong,
while I get blamed for everything

The youngest
The baby
The last one born
The favorite
The spoiled brat