all her mistakes'

if every footstep she could walk again,
beginning, to middle, to finish, the end,
all the mistakes she made would be gone,
no drama, no fighting, it was all wrong,
if every word she slipped would erase,
every tear shed, every hurt face,
if anger and sadness, was taken out on her friends,
she's regretful, wishes she could do it again,
she's changed alot,
doesn't like the new her,
every lie left to rot,
every mistake from which she learned,
all the "i hate you's," "i'll never trust you again" 's,
if they could vanish,
no more "its the end." 's,

but she can't be rid of them,
there's just no way,
so she has to let them be,
hope for them to not stay that way,
she can talk,
she can apologize,
she can promise no more wrongs,
but the suspense in waiting for an answer,
has no happy song,

she tries to be better,
but she seems to get worse,
conscience light as a feather,
some kind of curse,

she swears to try harder,
to be better now,
she just hopes they'll let her,
sometime, somehow?

if every footstep i could walk again,
beginning, to middle, to finish ... the end.