what if

what if we all got along?
what if we knew right from wrong,
if we apologized and meant it,
if we finished the sentence,
i love you,
im sorry,
i didnt mean what i said,
sweet dreams, a kiss before you go to bed,
but instead we fight,
we hold onto a grudge,
we scream, we cry, we dont think, we judge,
saying things we dont mean to say,
how did we even end up this way?
ever word thrown at you gets jabbed deeper, so deep,
you fall to the floor, you cry, you weep,
it starts small and it builds up strong,
over money, food, .. you were out too long,
we say we're sorry, "i'll never do it again."
but then before we know it,
were hurting the people we love, family, friends,
we say "pshh, i dont hate.",
its all a lie,
we know it down deep,
but were just so shy,
this is how wars start, why we hear guns,
how familys are torn apart, why we run,

but what if we all got along?
what if we knew right from wrong?

what if.