forgotten .

A lonely summer dances by,
But the memories will never die,
Crossing paths like in my dreams,
Nothings ever what it seems,
Your heart blooms,
Breaks through your concrete ground,
But you’re all out of room,
You have to move the walls you built somehow,
There’s nothing to lose,
Except what choice you’ve already chosen,
Your sky can’t fade blue,
Until you fade yourself.

A ticking clock,
You can’t control the pace,
A moon burning red,
Can never find its place,
You’re out of luck,
Can’t understand what you were given,
You’re trapped and stuck,
Can’t move on without reviving.

Days without water,
Are worse than running dry,
Your mind has faltered,
No chance to say goodbye,
The things you must face,
To feel forgiven,
In return for grace,
Never forgotten.