Big & Small

Little mistakes everywhere,
they're starting to get on my nerves.
Every time i scream at them,
a string of my hair falls.

Already my home is full of mistakes,
Small ones and big ones,
all completed with hate.

One day i wont be able to take,
the mistakes in this massive world.
I will open the very broken door,
on my feet I'll begin to run.

No stopping me once my mind is made,
you's must be blind bafoons.
On and on i will go till i can run off the edge,
near the end of the world.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK so its a bit confusing yer. I can understand it myself and some people may be able to but most people Ive shown don't.
The mistakes are actually people messing up life.
And a string of hair falls from stress causing hair loss.
And the 8Th line is where she is thinking about suicide.
The broken door means the horrible entry and exit.
And the blind bafoons are the government and laws and stuff.
And the two last ones are when her life is ending and shes going crazy.