I'll Tell You

You tell me a story about how you wish you were dead
because your parents just 'don't understand,'
I’ll tell you a story about a mother
hobbling across her bedroom floor in pain,
dreary hospital rooms,
a bald head,
and teary words whispering
‘If I have to go through this again…
I don’t think I could do it.’

You tell me a story about flooding tears and suicidal thoughts
for the love of one boy’s retreating back,
I’ll tell you a story about a life fully lived
with countless husbands.
Who learned to pick herself up with her own two hands.
Who knew how to walk with her head raised high
and a hopeful laugh in her eyes.

You tell me a story about wanting to be popular and perfect,
I’ll tell you a story about an old horse--
a champion racer in his day--
reduced to a nameless hobby farm
living for his next bucket of grain.

You tell me a story about a double suicide in the name of unrequited love
Hardly a year in the making,
I’ll tell you a story about an old farmer
with a gentle love for green growing things,
a sweet wife by his side,
six grown children,
and countless healthy grandchildren
…His life’s work dashed by government officials
With ears turned only to the rich CEOs.

You tell me a story about Him--the Only One for you--
And how he doesn’t give a rat’s ass for you,
I’ll tell you a story about a girl
for who she is,
what she looks like,
where she’s from,
and what she’s done in the past.
About a girl only wanting One Chance.

You tell me a story about a how middle school is just so hard
With all the drama, the heartache, the grown-ups who just don’t understand you,
I’ll tell you a story about a kid a few years older than you
living with a single parent,
working until midnight or later,
coming home exhausted to do his homework,
succeeding in every class
because he knows that he can do it.
Never daring to complain out of pride for himself
and because he knows that he is lucky.

You tell me a story about pain,
I’ll give you a story about Pain.

You tell me a story about your world,
I’ll tell you a story about Our World.

I’m a Writer.
I’ll give it to you straight,
and I’ll hold nothing back.
♠ ♠ ♠
If anyone agrees with this, let me know in the comments.

If anyone can think of a new verse for this, you can leave it in the comments; I'll give you credit here.

Is anyone else sick of whiners?