Counting Does Help

1 2 3 4 5
In the sea, deep down i dive
6 7 8 9 10
Im rising higher, breathing again

Imagine yourself beside a river
A beautiful pool of blue
Now imaging yourself falling in
A Struggling Position of doom

Your sinking deeper and deeper
Can you feel it now
The pressure
Its killing you now

You open your eyes
The sting, it burns
You lose all strength
No Worries or concerns

Now breathe god damn you
Breathe in the water
Fill your lungs in the pools of death
breathe untill you begin to see clearer

The pressure is too much
Your hope, it is all gone
Now your fainting slowly
Hearing the harps old song

''The water fails to kill the fire
But, with you it will do more
Breathe the water into yourself
And drown never more''

Breathe god damn you Breathe
As you take heed your lungs collapse
A gentle hand takes yours to the top of the pool
Your rising to live once again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Take from it what you will, was the gentle hand a passer by - or God;