A Note to an Old Friend

i hope you realize im done trying im done fighting
yes i still love you and it hurts that you dont love me too
what hurts more is that you rub it in my face
things are different the circumstances have changed.

letting me know how your heart has changed
wont help the fact that you went away
you said you would hold on for ever and never let go
but the truth is your heart didn't really know

its going to be hard to fight your way back in my heart
some one has picked me up and i have a fresh new start
my heart is new and polished and clean
but yet there is still a lil doubt in me

you are still the keeper to this heart
i am soo confused i have no clue were to start
i have to go away
there is no point to find me
even though you know where i stay

but to find me it might take all day
due to your ignorance, your abillity to forget
what i said when you where my safety net

by the time you find me it will be to late
there has been soo much that one girl can take
so i have gone away and left your sight
and took with me your darkest night,.


love you always
but its to late to make the pain go away