
I'm pulling away,
The edges are blurred,
I'm living alone in this two-dimensional world.
The colors are wrong,
And everything's shapeless,
There's nothing familiar and nothing is famous.
I can't say a word,
The voices won't let me,
I'm locked in my head and I can't seem to break free.

Reality's the fairytale,
It's told right before my eyes,
But I can't touch it because the voices say it's lies.

I'm crying at night,
But the tears don't seem real,
There's nothing on my face I'm able to feel.
These thoughts aren't mine,
At least not anymore,
There's nothing left I'm supposed to live for.
But the voices are here,
And they tell me to stay,
I listen because they're all I can hear anyway.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was written during a very unstable moment.