First Hangover: Living Hell

This is a story
Or maybe a poem
About what I did
June 10th 2009

My regrets and
My time
The boys
And the booze

I'm not going to say
That I do this
All the time
Because I don't

I'm not going to lie
And say I didn't
Want to do what I did
Because I wanted it

It all began really
Three years ago
But that's a long story
And I don't have the time

So I'll start with
The of night
June 9th

We pulled up,
My dad and I
To his girlfriends house
Of three years

They lived in a ghetto of sorts
And guys stood on the patio
There were only four girls total
Me, three others one named Kaylee

Kaylee had a kid
She's 14 her kid 2
She's a slut, but I think you
Could've figured that out

I was on house arrest
Told I had to stay on
The patio couldn't go
Anywhere at all

So when they left
All of them to go
And smoke their weed
I stayed and I went up the stairs

But the next night
On June the 10th of 2009
When I had convinced my dad
It was okay if I left

The real party began
A guy named Ricardo
We gave him some money
He gave us some booze

A guy named Michael
We gave him some weed
I got so much more
Than I bargained for

A guy named Manasa
Kaylee gave him her time
He got what he wanted
The slut did too

Another whose name I won't say
Rachel and him went all the way
In the back room
While the other girl stayed

I was on the couch
I had Ricardo's hat on
And Michael's shirt
And a shot in my hand

I'm not a drinker
And I'm not a smoker
But I was that night
And I'll pay for it later

My head ended up
In Ricardo's lap
And Michael was
Hovering over me

Ricardo is 23
Michael is 17
They thought I was 16
I just turned 14

I'm not a slut
And hopefully
Never will be
Nothing really happened

Lots of flirting
I got wasted
And high
For the first time

And Michael was all over me
And Ricardo was trying to be
They said I was cute
Or something along those lines

Later on back at the house
I was upstairs alone
With Michael door locked
Lights off

And stuff happened
Nothing too bad
But stuff we both
Will and probably have regretted

Because I'm not into that
Stuff, and I barely even
Remember what happened
Kaylee just said 'He tapped that ass'

I only remember him
Laying on top of me
And feeling his er yeah
And him kissing my neck

I don't think I want to know anymore
I'm to young to do
What I've done
But what the hell

I'm going back there
Tomorrow or Saturday I think
After that I'm going to Duke Univ.
Because I'm smart

I'm not innocent anymore
Haven't been since I was 7
And my mom's bf did things
And then my mom hit me

My dad is my lighthouse
A guide, but lately
I've been rebelling
More and more

Soon I don't know
I just don't know
And now I am dealing with
My first hangover.